
  • Approach

    As litigation lawyers, we are well aware what expenses, hurdles, waiting and setbacks a court action can entail. And we have often found that an out-of-court approach is an excellent way to resolve a conflict or a dispute swiftly, definitively and at minimal cost.

    We can work for you as mediators, arbitrators or collaborative lawyers, individually or in a team. Many of the conflicts and disputes that we are asked to help with can be resolved in a half-day or a full-day meeting or a brief series of discussions. And we will be pleased to either welcome you to our offices in the centre of Zurich or come to a venue of your choosing, such as your workplace.

    Talk to us!

  • Methods

    We adopt various tried-and-trusted methods in our out-of-court conflict resolution endeavours:

    Mediation: We can help you to resolve your conflict in both parties’ best interests.

    Collaborative law: We can work with the counterparty to negotiate an optimum compromise.

    Arbitration: You and your counterparty can empower us to make a ruling on your dispute that will be binding for both parties.

    Conflict counselling: You and your counterparty can ask us to propose a solution to your dispute.

  • Education

    Dr. iur.  Ueli Vogel-Etienne

    • 2002
      Diplom Mediation in Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Verwaltung der Fachhochschule Aargau
    • 2002
      Mediator SAV
    • 2002
      Zertifizierung als Mediator der Schweizerischen Kammer für Wirtschaftsmediation SKWM
    • 2008
      Internationales Mediation Praktikum in Texas / USA
    • 2009
      Internationales Mediation Praktikum in Texas / USA
    • 2012
      Anerkennung als CL / CP Fachperson des SVCL
      Recognition as Collaborative Lawyer clp Switzerland
    • 2013
      Internationales Mediation Praktikum in Texas / USA
    • 2016
      Internationales Mediation Praktikum in Texas / USA
    • 2023
      CAS Communication Psychology ifk

    Lic. iur. Annegret Lautenbach-Koch

    • 2002
      Zertifizierung als Mediatorin ief (Institut für systemische Emtwicklung und Fortbildung)
    • 2010
      Zulassung als Mediatorin SAV (Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband)
    • 2012
      Anerkennung als Collaborative lawyer clp-Schweiz
    • 2013
      Internationales Mediationspraktikum in Austin/USA
  • Contact