• Commercial law

    Commercial law

    Commercial law regulates the many and varied legal relations of all the natural persons and legal entities involved in the business world. With the increasing codification of our society and our lives, commercial law is becoming more and more complex and comprehensive: virtually every new contract or agreement now needs to be checked to ensure its compliance with the relevant legal provisions.

    Peyer Partner can provide professional assistance and support in all matters of commercial law. Our competencies extend from the legislation against unfair competition and anti-monopoly law to evaluating your products in terms of their non-violation of other parties’ rights (such as patents and copyrights).

    We can also ensure that your products comply with the provisions of product safety law and product liability law. And we can support you in drawing up and structuring contracts, to help you secure the terms and conditions you want in your subsequent negotiations (or in court if necessary). Needless to say, we will also represent your legal interests in all your commercial relations, be it in state courts or in arbitration proceedings.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Competition and anti-trust law

    Competition and anti-trust law

    Competition and anti-trust law is designed to regulate and promote competition within a free-market economy. The corresponding legislation is intended to ensure that all market participants enjoy freedom of action, and to protect competition mechanisms.

    Are you planning to take over a market-leading competitor, to outsource part of your activities to a rival or to embark on some other form of collaboration with another company operating in the same business segment? Is a competitor of yours using incorrect or misleading information in its advertising? Has one of your rivals made disparaging remarks about your company?

    Peyer Partner can offer specialist assistance and advice in all areas of competition and anti-trust law. We work with experts in the field to define the market, evaluate possible and permissible approaches and perform any checks or clarifications needed with the competition authorities. We can also advise and represent you, to prevent any inadmissible restraint of trade or unlawful behaviour on the part of your competitors. Needless to say, we will also defend your rights in a court of law if required.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Contract law

    Contract law

    Contractual relations of some form or another dominate our lives. Every day, countless contracts are concluded for purchases, sales, rentals, services, loans and more. Contract law regulates the corresponding contractual relations and the resulting rights and obligations for the individuals involved.

    Has the classic car you just bought not lived up to the seller’s promises? Are you unhappy with your tradesman’s work? Have you been illegally given notice to quit your apartment? Is your former business partner refusing to repay your loan?

    Be it for purchases or sales, rentals or leases, services, mandates or commissions, Peyer Partner can offer you all the expertise you need in the contract law field. We will provide you with whatever support and advice you require; and we’ll represent you and your rights in a court of law if necessary, too.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Criminal law

    Criminal law

    Life in society today is governed by an almost overwhelming range of norms, orders and prohibitions. Their violation is subject to the provisions and penalties specified in criminal law.

    Have you been accused of committing a crime, and do you need to prepare for possible criminal proceedings? Are you already the accused in such proceedings, but have yet to find a defence attorney? Are you the aggrieved party in a criminal case, and need assistance in defending your interests?

    Peyer Partner specialises in all issues relating to criminal law and criminal procedural law. We will defend your rights and interests towards the police and the investigating and administrative authorities, and will also conduct your defence in a court of law. We can act on your behalf if you are the aggrieved party, too, to ensure that your rights are duly and fully respected.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Employment law

    Employment law

    Employment law governs the rights and obligations of employers and employees in both the private and the public sector. As such, it forms the foundation for the various legal interrelations within the complex working world.

    Have you been given notice when your employer was not permitted to do so? Are you the victim of workplace bullying? Are you unhappy with your letter of reference?

    Has one of your employees been off sick for a lengthy time, and you don’t know what to do about it? Or do you need help in formulating your staff regulations?

    Peyer Partner is a specialist in all issues of public- and private-sector employment law, workplace health and safety law and associated legal areas. And we will be more than happy to assist you and represent your legal rights, both in and out of court.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Foundation and association law

    Foundation and association law

    Foundation and association law governs the rights and obligations arising from club, association and foundation activities. The “association” and the “foundation” are popular Swiss legal forms. And this makes it all the more vital to be able to call on the services of a skilled and professional partner in all corresponding legal matters.

    Are you planning to establish a foundation or an association? Do you want to challenge an association’s resolution? Is your standing committee in dispute? Have you been approached by the supervisory authorities or the Commercial Registry?

    Peyer Partner can assist and advise you on all matters of foundation and association law. We will help you to establish a new association or foundation, or to run or dissolve an existing one. And we’ll provide you with all the advice and representation you need in your dealings with the supervisory authorities or the courts. In short: whatever your needs, we’re there to help you!

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

    Ueli-Vogel_Partner Dr. iur. und Mediator SAV / SDM / SKWM Ueli Vogel-Etienne +
  • Guardianship law

    Guardianship law

    Guardianship law is concerned with persons in need of protection and support. In addition to various guardianship issues, it also regulates relations with the guardianship authorities and the corresponding processes and procedures.

    Have the guardianship authorities threatened to take your child into care? Do you wish to keep your foster child? Do your ageing parents need support? Do you or your child need urgent assistance?

    Peyer Partner can draw on its extensive experience in all aspects of guardianship law. We will defend the rights of the parents and children involved, and of their relatives, too. And, as well as providing assistance and advice, we can represent you or your child to the guardianship authorities or a court of law.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Immigration and residence law

    Immigration and residence law

    Switzerland’s immigration and residence provisions and the procedures required to obtain a Swiss work permit can raise complex issues in various legal fields for EU citizens and nationals of other non-EU states. Immigration and residence law concerns itself with these, and lays down the corresponding legal foundations.

    Do you need help in obtaining a work permit? Has your residence permit not been renewed, or are you looking for information on how to apply for Swiss citizenship? Do you plan to bring your family here? Or do you need to know what effect your separation from your spouse may have on your current residence status?

    Peyer Partner is your specialist on all matters of immigration law, temporary and permanent residence law and citizenship law. We will be pleased to advise you on any work or residence permit issues you may have, or on the procedures for applying for full Swiss citizenship. Needless to say, we can also represent you and your interests towards the courts and other authorities.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Inheritance law

    Inheritance law

    Any natural person can inherit; and we will all bequeath at some point, too. Inheritance law specifies who is entitled to inherit and how an estate is to be divided up among the various heirs. By drawing up a will or a contract of inheritance, you can determine what happens to your future estate. Passing on a business to the next generation (or an outside party) can also be a key element in your estate planning.

    Do you need help in drawing up a will or a contract of inheritance, or with your estate planning in general? Have you been denied your entitlement? Do you wish to contest a will? Has your inheritance been withheld? Are there questions or irregularities about the way an estate has been divided up?

    Peyer Partner has the expertise and the experience to address all and any issues of inheritance law. We can assist and advise you on drawing up your last will and testament or a contract of inheritance, effect the distribution of your estate, protect your entitlements and help you if you need to contest an existing will. Needless to say, we will be happy to represent your interests in a court of law, too.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Insolvency and restructuring

    Insolvency and restructuring

    Insolvencies and corporate restructurings often entail a range of complex legal issues involving various fields of law. That’s why it is essential to enlist the services of a specialist with extensive technical expertise early in the process. Peyer Partner has an entire team of specialists with wide experience of handling mandates of this kind.

    Is your company suffering a short-term liquidity problem, or is it likely to become overindebted? Are your lending banks demanding additional collateral? Are you being held personally liable for your company’s conduct of business? Or do you have a claim against a firm which is on the verge of insolvency?

    Peyer Partner can offer its professional expertise in all insolvency and restructuring matters. Our particular specialisations in these fields include:

    • advice on preventing overindebtedness or liquidity shortages
    • advising (in collaboration with external consultants) on corporate turnarounds and restructuring
    • restructuring and estate planning
    • setting up rescue companies
    • representing your company to banks and further key creditors in the event of standstill agreements and out-of-court composition agreements
    • representing your company in composition and other insolvency proceedings
    • epresenting you and/or your company in liability proceedings
    • representing you or your company in schedule-of-claims, handover and opposition proceedings and in contesting Paulian actions
    • assessing the legal ramifications of bankruptcy-related criminal actions.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Liability and insurance law

    Liability and insurance law

    From property damage to pecuniary loss and personal injury, liability and insurance law provides the foundation for regulating and settling damage claims of all kinds. In complex cases in particular, this is an area in which it is essential to enlist skilled and professional support.

    Have you been the victim of a road accident, an accident at work or some other form of accident? Has your accident insurance stopped paying benefits to which you are entitled, or has your disability benefits claim been rejected? Is your health insurance scheme refusing to pay your treatment costs or provide per-diem payments? Or could your GP be held liable for medical malpractice?

    Peyer Partner is an unmitigated specialist in liability and insurance law, and will be pleased to assist and advise you on any medical liability or social insurance law issue. If you have been involved in an accident, we can also represent you towards the person who caused it and their insurers.

    Be it for an accident or an illness, we can represent you to all the relevant social insurance institutions. We’ll protect your rights towards doctors and hospitals, too. And, if necessary, we will also do so via the appropriate court channels.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

    Ueli-Vogel_Partner Dr. iur. und Mediator SAV / SDM / SKWM Ueli Vogel-Etienne +
    Portraits_Michael-Grimmer_orig_Partner Lic. iur. Michael Grimmer +
    Sine-Selman_Partner-retina M.A. HSG in Law Sine Selman +
  • Matrimonial and family law

    Matrimonial and family law

    Matrimonial and family law governs a wide range of interpersonal relations. After all, both living together and separation or divorce can entail a host of often complex issues, many of them with financial consequences, too.

    Are you about to separate or divorce? Do you want to initiate marital proceedings, or are care and custody rights an issue? Does a divorce ruling need to be revised? Or are you considering concluding a marriage contract or a cohabitation agreement?

    Peyer Partner can advise and assist you on all matters relating to marriage law, divorce law, matrimonial property law and parent-and-child law. Be it in amicable or contested divorce or separation proceedings, we can support you and represent your wishes, interests and concerns.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.


    Ueli-Vogel_Partner Dr. iur. und Mediator SAV / SDM / SKWM Ueli Vogel-Etienne +
    PP-kmeier-PF-retina Lic. iur. Karin Meyer +
    PP-Lautenbach-PF-retina Lic. iur. and IEF/SAV-certified mediator Annegret Lautenbach-Koch +
    PP-dfischer-pf-retina Lic. iur. Daniela Fischer +
    Sine-Selman_Partner-retina M.A. HSG in Law Sine Selman +
  • Tenancy law

    Tenancy law

    Tenancy law regulates the rights and obligations of the landlords and tenants of both business premises and private accommodation, and provides the overall framework for all legal issues arising from the occupation of rental property.

    Have you been given notice to vacate your apartment? Do you find the bill for your ancillary costs hard to understand? Has your landlord substantially raised your rent? Would you like to renovate one of your rental properties? Do you have a tenant who has stopped paying the rent?

    Peyer Partner is widely experienced in all issues of tenancy law, from both the tenant’s and the landlord’s perspective. And we will support and represent you wherever necessary to ensure that all your rental law rights are duly and fully respected.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Animal law

    Animal law

    Animals play an important role in many people’s lives – as pets, sports partners, farming aids, hunting quarry and more, and (occasionally) as causes of damage or injury, too.

    Animal law governs and regulates the relations between humans and animals in a wide range of ways. The dignity of animals is safeguarded under the Swiss Constitution. And this is supplemented by the Federal Animal Welfare Act, the Federal Wild Animal Hunting and Protection Act, the Federal Fishing Act, the Animal Welfare Ordinance and further legislation protecting animals’ lives and well-being.

    Peyer Partner can advise and assist you on all animal-related legal matters, especially those relating to horses and equestrian sports. And, in doing so, we can draw on our expertise and experience in representing the owners, keepers and users of animals in civil, criminal and administrative law and court proceedings.

    Our legal specialists will be pleased to advise you further. So feel free to contact us for a preliminary discussion with no further obligation.

  • Litigation PR

    Litigation PR

    Litigation occurs not only in courts but is increasingly prevalent in the public realm. Print media, electronic and social media pursue and report on criminal investigations and court proceedings. Pre-sentencing does occur. Anyone who wins a case in court can lose it in public.

    “Litigation PR” refers to Public Relations work within legal disputes. We support you to avert possible reputational damage. By combining legal and journalistic know-how, we protect your legal position plus your corporate and or private reputation.